MSVMA Emeriti

William Abbott
Karlene Bach

John Beck

Marti Beilfuss

Tracee Behnke-Lentz

Monty Bishop

Jerry Blackstone

Thomas Blue

Lavonne Bomeli
Carol Brand-Twa
Nancy Bray

Janet Broderson

Catherine Brodie

Jean Brown-Baker

David Boswell

Tony Bumbaca
Vallory Bunday
Harry Burgess
Dr. Judith Burns
Rick Bushey
Rod Bushey
Virginia Caro
Bette Jane Dunlap Carrothers
Susan Catanese

Robert Cindric

Ellen Clement-Bureau

Gregory Cleveland

Phillip Clissold
Fred Colgren
Kevin Cushman

Kathleen Davis-Cunningham

Roger Dehn
Sarah Dergazarian
Dr. John Dovaras
Barbara Edwards
David Erfourth

Lowell Everson
Patricia Flesher
Norma Freeman
Guy Frizzell

Cheryl Gallas

Carole Galli

Cheryl Gapinski

Sharon Garner

Edward German
Carol Gess
Catherine Gilson
Charles & Dottie Gleason
Rick Gossett
Linda Grahek
Larry Gray
Sharon Green
Helen Hansens
Robert Hay
Bill Henson
Dr. Richard Hintz

Steve Hinz

Susan Hiser
Verna Holley

Cindy Hunter

Connie Hyatt
Bernard Hyland

Richard Ingram

Dr. Gilbert Jackson

Darla Jewell

Juanita Joiner
David Jorlett
Paula Joyner-Clinard

Thomas Kasdorf

Bonnie Kidd

Robin Kieft

Catherine Kintner

Virginia Kerwin

Leo Klein

Vickie Kopistiansky

Mark Krempski

Patricia LaJoye

Nancy Lange
Russell Larimer

Matt Laura

Shirley Lemon
Tim Lentz

Harvey Lucas

Mark Lundgren
Betsy Marsh
Linda Martino

Anne Maters

Katie McInnis

Patricia McKinney

Denise Minter

Joel Moore

Geneene Morrisson
Nancy Moyes
Merle Mustert
Dean Nederveld
Karen Nevins
Lynn Nichols-Garland
Thomas Norager

Andrew Nowak

Jennifer Orkisz

Robert Oster
James Parker
Theodore Pasma
Margaret Payne

Judith Pellerito

Pamela Pierson

Linda Pratt
Judith Premin

Marcia Pustelnik
Mary Rashid
Jeanne Rasmussen

Carol Rau

Douglas Robinson

Jeff Robinson

Ronald Rogers
Ruth Rollefson

Deborah Root

Les Rowsey

Ron Rudland

Robert Sabourin

Fred Sang

Denise Sauter

Regina Schlaff

Karen Schadel
Evelyn Schuette
Rebecca Scofield
Donald Scott
Nina Scott
Wilbur (Webb) Scrivnor
Judie Sharpe
Ron Sine
Dr Jerry Smith
Bruce Snyder
Christopher Sprink
Thomas Stokes
Mary Alice Stollak
Wendy Treacher
Mary Trolla
John Tyner

Joel Van Houten

Alice Van Wambeke
Catherine A. Walker
Candice Wallace
Melvin Wasserman
Alan Watterworth
Mark Webb
Colin Weber

Theresa Williams-Johnson

Cherry Westerman
Kenneth Westerman

Ronald Weiler

Arvin Wierda
David Wikman
Larry Wolf

Faith Yassick

Michele Zebell

Alexander Zerban

The Emeritus Membership Program honors retired MSVMA members, whose lives have been devoted to the enhancement of choral music in secondary schools. Nominations are made at spring District meetings and submitted to the MSVMA past president by June 1 for Board of Directors review. A one-time selection fee of $100 per candidate is paid by their District.
  • Taught vocal music or been actively involved with a choral music program for twenty-five or more years.
  • May have spent part of his/her career as a supervisor, coordinator, chairman or director of a school music program which includes choral music.
  • Demonstrated significant service to MSVMA.
  • Spent part of their careers in Michigan and with credit given for choral teaching or supervising and active vocal music organization membership in other states.
Lifetime membership in MSVMA is granted to recipients of Member Emeritus status. Members Emeritus may not serve as officers.


Michigan School Vocal Music Association

P.O. Box 1131

Big Rapids, MI 49307-1131

(231) 592 - 9344


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